7 incredible places to add to your bucket list

1.    Antarctica

Okay, we’re starting off strong here. But there’s a good reason for it. If you haven’t read our post on Antarctica, you might be wondering why anyone would want to go there. Or maybe you’re like us and love exploring adventurous, undiscovered places, and you know exactly why someone would want to go there. If the full rundown doesn’t convince you, let me just say - Antarctica is like no other place on earth. You feel like you’re on another planet. It’s unique, stunningly beautiful, and full of adventure. Snowcapped peaks higher than you would imagine meet crystal calm waters (well, apart from Drake’s Passage). Hike with penguins and paddle next to sleepy seals. While it might not be the most accessible place to get to, it’s doable and completely worth a spot on your list of places to visit in your lifetime. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone.

2. Machu Picchu & The Inca Trail, peru

Peru, in general, is a unique country full of rich cultures. The people are kind and humble. The land is unique and beautiful. The Inca Trail isn’t just home to incredible views and hidden history. It’s somewhat of a spiritual journey. Call me woo woo, but you can almost feel the presence of the Incas when walking on their land, especially once you arrive at the final destination - Machu Picchu. If 4 days of hiking isn’t your thing (although I think it could be), you can still experience this wonder of the world by just doing a short hike or even taking a bus. For a full rundown on the Inca trail, go here. Go here for a full rundown on exploring Peru and Machu Picchu without spending the night on the trail. Whatever way you choose, you’ll be transported back in time to a whole new world.

3.    Volcanos National Park, Rwanda

Africa, as a continent, is one of my favorite places in the world, I recommend it to all my willing clients. Rwanda is such a special place, and Volcanos National Park holds one of the most famous activities in Rwanda - trekking with the Mountain Gorillas. While this adventure might seem a bit intimidating, don’t be afraid. Getting so close to these animals ignites a deep sense of connection. If you’ve ever done a safari, you understand the rare and raw feeling of witnessing animals in the wild. Trekking with the gorillas is that feeling amplified because you’re on foot, only a few feet away, and they know you’re there. They understand you, sense you. They might even communicate with your guides through grunts and movement. This experience is incredible, and you will leave with a high like no other. Aside from trekking, the park is surrounded by lovely local villages, stunning landscapes, and kind people. If you don’t wish to see the gorillas but are still interested in them, trek to Dian Fossey’s gravesite. You might meet a surprise along the way anyways.

4.    Angkor Tom and Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Hollywood movie favorites Angkor wat and Angkor Tom are two more incredible locations to add to your list. Located just a bit of a drive from Siem Reap, Cambodia, these lost ancient temples will take you back in time. I love visiting a place where the culture and history were never lost, even after thousands of years. Angkor Wat, and it’s slightly less popular but just as fantastic neighbor, Angkor Tom, should definitely get a spot on your list of places to visit. You could, and you should, spend a whole day exploring the various temples surrounding Siem Reap. Siem Reap, in itself, is an exciting city full of vibrance and life. Walk along the river or head over to the famous Pub Street for edible spiders and colorful drinks.

5.    Hai long Bay, Vietnam

You may have seen pictures of this stunning bay on the ocean of Vietnam, but until you have seen it in person, you can never fully understand its beauty in its entirety. It is mesmerizing. Moss-covered rocks and islands jetting out of crystal clear waters create a vision that doesn’t seem real. Spend a few days sailing through the bay to capture it to its entire degree. It’s a place of adventure or relaxation, depending on your vibe. Get a massage overlooking the water or hop in a kayak to wander through crevices and caves. We spent a week on a lovely boat, floating through the picturesque landscape. Spend some time lounging on the beaches of Na Tran before or after.

6.    The Great Pyramids, Egypt

The history of Egypt might be the oldest in the world, and we are constantly learning new things each day. The Great Pyramids are not only a mystery to our modern age but also home to vibrant history and spirituality. And right next door are the incredible temples of Egypt that hold space all on their own. Personally, I can’t wait to marvel at the site of these mysterious mountains. They’re fascinating to me and many others. While spending time in Egypt, float down the Nial River to immerse yourself in the water of ancient times. Explore the ancient temples, tombs, and modern markets. While the pyramids may be the magic marker of Egypt, there is a lot explore and a lot of history to uncover.

7. The Amazon River and Rainforest

The Amazon River and Rainforest was on my bucket list for a long time and I can finally say I’ve checked it off. The river obviously extends throughout various parts of South America, and each area is unique with a different history, culture, and landscape. One of the most popular areas to explore is through Peru, one of my favorite countries, going through the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve. If you like to nerd out on Planet Earth documentaries, you probably know the Amazon is home to thousands of unique species and many still to be discovered. The animals and plants there are so intriguingly beautiful, complex, and some dangerous. There is so much to discover in the river and the rainforest. There are parts that have yet to be found, even people who have yet to be seen.

Whether you’re looking for adventure, history, culture, relaxation, or sightseeing, there’s room for it all in all of these places. Bucket list trips should be exciting, unique, and authentic to you. What’s on yours?


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